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Guardian Down Cast: A Destiny 2 Podcast

Welcome to the Guardian Down Cast...we're two dads that love everything in the Destiny Universe and we talk about it...

Jun 28, 2021

We're two dads that love everything in the Destiny Universe and we talk about it...this week is a show favorite and we catch up and talk Destiny and's AgentAech.  We get in the weeds with the future of Destiny and also answer questions from our Speakpipe and GDC Discord community.  If you want to hear the...

Jun 21, 2021

We're two dads that love everything in the Destiny Universe and we talk about hundred episodes...what a ride!  We talk with our fellow podcasters who started a bit earlier than us, but have been there with us the whole way... it's the hosts of The Guardian Hub.  We talk with Kingsleymac, DesRaven and Cyn about...

Jun 14, 2021

We're two dads that love everything in the Destiny Universe and we talk about it...this week's guest is a long time friend that loves Destiny and turns his game of choice into charity...Mr. LarManKY.  We hear his story and how he made the world a better place by playing lots of Destiny.  We also go over the latest news...